Grant Search


Transition to adulthood and factors impacting well-being in women with autism

2019 Postdoctoral Fellowships

George Mason University
Winchester, Virginia
United States

This study will use structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the brain bases of camouflaging behaviors and alexithymia, and their impact on psychiatric burden in ASD women during transition to adulthood.

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Publication12/13/2022Self-reported cognitive decline among middle and older age autistic adults
Publication11/17/2022Sexual Minority Identities in Autistic Adults: Diversity and Associations with Mental Health Symptoms and Subjective Quality of Life
Publication11/17/2022Vocational Outcomes in ASD: An Examination of Work Readiness Skills as well as Barriers and Facilitators to Employment Identified by Autistic Adults
Publication11/03/2023An Examination of Perceived Stress and Emotion Regulation Challenges as Mediators of Associations Between Camouflaging and Internalizing Symptomatology
Publication08/23/2021Camouflaging in autism spectrum disorder: Examining the roles of sex, gender identity, and diagnostic timing
Publication08/02/2022Co-occurring ADHD symptoms in autistic adults are associated with less independence in daily living activities and lower subjective quality of life
Publication04/01/2022Social support and links to quality of life among middle-aged and older autistic adults
Publication03/01/2023Cardiovascular risk and emotion regulation contribute to depression symptomatology in middle-aged and older autistic adults
Publication01/13/2023Predictors of sleep quality for autistic people across adulthood




McQuaid, Goldie


Wallace, Gregory

Grant Term:

2 years

Award Type:

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Grant Amount:


Institution Website:

Grant ID: